DX Covers
DX Covers radio dust covers with approval to use the manufacturer’s logos from Acom, Ameritron, Astron, Beko Elektronik, Elad, Elecraft, Expert Electronics, FlexRadio Systems, Hilberling, Icom, Kenwood, MFJ, OM Power, Palstar, RF-KIT, RGO One, RM ITALY, SPE and Yaesu.
About Us
DX Covers radio dust covers is a product range of Prism Embroidery. We are a small company based in Dartford, England. The idea of radio dust covers came about as my husband was always complaining about his radios getting covered in dust. I started prototyping protective covers for his equipment and finally came up with a design that we both felt were adequate for the job. My husband took great delight in showing his fellow amateur radio friends these prototypes which led to prospective customers. I started to think there was a business to be made from this, so decided that we would only go ahead if we could get permission to use the logos from the relevant manufacturers.
Getting Approval
We contacted various manufacturers along with a portfolio of previous projects I had been involved in such as the opening ceremony for the Olympic Games in London and Winter Olympics in Sochi. Samples were sent to manufacturers around the world to get approval including Japan, America and Europe.
So far, we have managed to secure over 10 manufacturers and had tremendous help from them letting us know when new models are going to be released and dimensions of their products.
Products We Offer
Currently, we offer products with branding from Acom, Ameritron, Elecraft, Expert Electronics, Elad, Flex Radio Systems, MFJ, RF-Kit, Hilberling, Icom, Kenwood, OM Power, Palstar, SPE and Yaesu. We are able to offer covers for any other radio equipment but we will only place the model numbers or call signs on these units. Some customers have been so happy with their product that we have been asked to make covers for other types of equipment.
We offer many more radio dust covers, however, we have only listed the most common products. Please contact us with your enquiry and we will do our best to get back to you as soon as possible. (Please check your spam box as sometimes our emails have been placed there by your email provider)
Yaesu FTDX3000 Being Embroidered
Please Click on the video below to watch the embroidery process of the front pannel a Yaesu FTDX 3000 DX Covers radio dust cover. This video has been sped up to twice real time.
The manufacturing process of all DX Covers
Every single DX Cover is manufactured in the same way to ensure that a constant level of quality control is maintained. We use leatherette that is cut to the designated size via templates that we designed using the manufacturer’s specifications. The same process is also carried out for the soft felt lining.
We will then start the embroidery on the leatherette front panel of the required dust cover. This process can take up to 40 minutes depending on the model number. We only use high quality embroidery threads. Once this process is completed the item is inspected and then ready to start the bonding process.
Now the embroidery process is complete, the leatherette and felt are ready to be bonded together using a glue. We have tried many adhesives in development of our covers but we wanted a product that was flexible and not have a ridged texture when cured. Both the leatherette and felt are liberally covered and left for a short period of time. When the glue starts to become tacky the two layers are sandwiched together. These are then pressed together and left to cure to ensure that the bonding process has been completely successful. The items are then inspected and if this process has failed are rejected.
We then start the sewing process. As you can see from the image, all DX Covers employ hidden seams to give an aesthetically pleasing look. DX Covers are also shaped using the ‘top stitching’ to give it a more rigid appearance and we believe that by doing this your DX Cover will have a better fit.
Your Local Retailer
Did you know you can also buy our covers from HRO in the USA and Bonito in the EU By buying locally may save you money due to import duties, VAT & handling charges. Due to Brexit (EU) you may be required to pay these duties which are set by your local country. If orders are placed for EU via Bonito (Germany) and for USA via Ham Radio Outlet (HRO) duties will already have been paid.
EU = European Union
USA= United States of America
Our Shop
If you would like to buy one of our DXCovers please click here to go to the shop.
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